Tuesday, July 14, 2009

school school school

back to school soon!
a whole week and i'll be back in class rooms, trying to pay attention while my mind wanders elsewhere..mostly to days outside the class room...the next set of holidays.
to sum up my holidays i'd use one word; average.. there hasn't really been much excitement or adventure.. i did have an awesome weekend of surfing at a local spot, that is a bit of a drive away for me, and spent my hours off the board climbing over the rock formations like i'd done so many times before.. but other than that weekend, i've mainly worked and hung out at a more easliy accessible beach.
so maybe my holidays weren't just average..they were quite lovely. i do adore the beach so being able to spend so much time there was nice.
o well. holidays are basically over for me because i'm working almost every day up to school but hey that's more money for me :)
have a good one.

1 comment:

  1. your holiday sounds like heaps of fun apart from the work side of things! i've never surfed before, but i have always wanted to give it a go. have a happy term 3!!!
